Upcoming Orthodox Apprentice Events

Lee's Hometown Finale Party
Lawrence/Cedarhurst Fire Station
Monday, June 5, 8:30 PM
From the FiveTownsShuls community e-mail list:
All are invited to attend a home town party for Lee Bienstock to cheer him on as he vies to become Donald Trump's Apprentice.
Lee is one of two finalists. Trump will make his decision during the live finale, this coming Monday June 5th. Seating will begin at 8:30. Come early!!!
The party will take place at the Lawrence/Cedarhurst Fire Station located at Central Avenue (corner of Washington Avenue).
NBC will be on hand to broadcast the party live at times during the finale.
Refreshments will be served.
A nominal donation of $5 per person is recommended. All proceeds will be donated to benefit the firefighters.
You are encouraged to bring posters cheering Lee on.
Young Leadership Shabbat Dinner with Lee and Dan
The Jewish Center (Manhattan)
Friday, June 9, 8:15 PM
Join the Jewish Center Young Leadership for Friday Night Dinner with The Apprentice's Lee Bienstock and Dan Brody.
$36 Members
$40 Non-Members
Advance registration required. Register on the Jewish Center website by Wednesday, June 7th.
Mincha / Maariv at 8:15 PM
Dinner promptly at 9:30 PM

Where did that photo of Lee come from?`
is anyone going to the lee party at the firehouse? i am. i cant wait!
Everyone VOTE
did you notice nobody is smiling in the picture?
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