OA EXCLUSIVE: The Final Tasks
We've been gathering more information on the final tasks. We've told you about guest appearances by Michael J. Fox, Jaime Pressly, Denis Leary, Jason Priestley, Stephen Baldwin and the Barenaked Ladies. We've also told you about the celebrity hockey event and the rock concert.
Now we're ready to provide further details and to share some photos and videos.
Celebrity Hockey Task

One finalist was challenged to put on a celebrity hockey event. Michael J. Fox and Denis Leary are huge hockey fans from Canada so we suspect they were involved with this task. Along with NHL hall of famer Cam Neely, they're heavily involved in charity work, supporting The Leary Firefighters Foundation, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research and The Cam Neely Foundation for Cancer Care. The three of them (pictured together in uniform, but not from The Apprentice) appear together annually at the Betting On A Cause & A Cure event that supports all three organizations.
We reported earlier that the rock concert task took place on Tuesday, November 8, 2005. We don't have the exact date for the hockey event, but we know that Leary and Fox were together in Toronto Monday night, November 7th, for Cam Neely's Hall of Fame induction ceremony. Will this interfere with the celebrity hockey event? Final tasks on The Apprentice have a history of celebrity no-shows, including Chris Webber and Joe Piscopo. Stay tuned to see what happens.
Stephen Baldwin played hockey in Slap Shot 2, so we suspect he's also involved in the sporting event.

Barenaked Ladies Concert
For the other candidate's final task, BNL played a private concert at Trump Taj Mahal in Atlantic City. As Jessica Simpson did for her Apprentice event, the band members appeared at a "meet & greet" event prior to their performance.
Then they went on stage to play at least 15 songs, including fan favorites such as It's All Been Done, One Week and If I had a Million Dollars. Their encore performance was Brian Wilson (video here). We don't know if they played any of their three chanukah songs.
Thanks to this blogger, we have pictures from the event. Unfortunately, none of the candidates are visible.

SLS International investors are speculating that the company stock may jump after an appearance on the season finale. They're wondering how much airtime their company's product will get. Much to their dismay, the SLS audio system is not the focus of the show. As seen in the picture below, though, their speakers were visible to the Taj Mahal audience. As you can see, Pontiac is the corporate sponsor. Earlier rumors of Best Buy's involvement in the finale appear to be false.

What about the SLS Q-LINE GOLD home theatre system, its supposed to be a focus of the show, anything on that, not their monitors or pro line equipment as shown in the pictures?
Do we know for a fact that the two people on the losing team will get fired?
No, we don't know that. BTW, where are the videos?
Click on where it says "video here"
The video is no longer available on the website. If anyone has their own website, with space available to store and serve the file, please email orthoprentice - at - yahoo - dot - com.
We'll then e-mail the file to you and place a link from here to the file on your site. Thank you.
Mitch, sure don't like the way your'e trying to sway people that SLS isn't going to have a big part in the finale. First of all, its a two show finale this year, the BNL concert and hockey game is on May 29th, then SLS and Best Buy is on the June 5th show. So before you start spouting off, get your facts straight!
SLS pumper/dumpers- All of you have clearly NEVER watched The Apprentice and you're just talking sh**. Stop blabbering about your loser stock over here. There's no such thing as four tasks for two finalists and SLS & Best Buy have never been mentioned as sponsors for the show. The way the show works is they prepare for the task in one episode. Then for the finale we see the actual events (hockey game & concert) and Trump picks a winner.
why cant it just be that no interviews were scheduled??? sometimes its just that simple.
SLS on June 5th Apprentice finale
"The timing of the Q Line Gold System product offering in Best Buy stores coincides with its product debut on the series finale of "The Apprentice," the popular reality show which stars Donald Trump and is produced by Mark Burnett Productions in association with Trump Productions LLC. The series finale is scheduled to air on June 5th."
"the other lets his heart lead him astray while staging a massive rock concert"
This doesnt have to mean someones attracted to the band. Maybe sean is distracted by Tammy. Or something else like that.
I had my VCR set up to record Apprentice this past Friday night, but guess what? It wasn't on!!! I could swear someone said it would be moving to Fridays at the end of May. Does the new schedule start at the end of this week? Inquiring minds wanna know!
as far as what is says on TVguide.com, Apprentice is staying on mondays
Well now that we know the final 2, it's time to speculate which team members will be chosen by each remaining candidate to help them in the final task. If the number of people chosen by each player remains as 3, my predictions are:
Lee-Lenny, Roxanne and Michael
Sean-Tammy, Andrea and Tarek
These seem like the most logical guesses.
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