Stuff the ballot!

- The final voting is underway. Vote for Lee at and you could win $30,000.
- You can now send questions to Trump about this season, his choices, the candidates or whatever else is on your mind. Donald will respond to selected questions during the live finale on June 5. What are you asking him? Post your questions in the comments to this post.
- Steven Weiss talked to Mark Bienstock (Lee's father) and to Lenny Veltman about Lee. The interviews are available on Canonist.
- Weiss also wrote this story on Lee Bienstock for JTA. Expect to see it printed in most Jewish weekly newspapers later this week.

- We have learned that George and Carolyn will join Donald for the final boardroom on Monday. Lee is preparing for the inevitable question about why he chose Pepi. The episode starts at 9:30 PM ET/PT.
- The next season starts filming this week in Los Angeles. Ivanka, Don Jr., George and Carolyn will all participate. US Olympian Angela Ruggiero is one of 18 candidates.
- Congrats to Tarek Saab and his wife Kathryn on their wedding this past Saturday!
- The Bienstock family's shul, Congregation Beth Sholom of Lawrence, NY, distributed this e-mail message today:
As everyone knows by now, Lee Bienstock, the son of our friends Flora and Mark Bienstock, has reached the finals of Donald Trump's Apprentice. Lee needs as many votes as possible to win. Donald Trump is deciding this time with our help and our votes can make the difference. You can vote by either going to (which brings you to an Apprentice link) and clicking on Vote for Lee or by going to Apprentice 5/
Voting started at 10:00 on Monday night and continues through June 5th.
Please join us in voting for Lee, as often as you can. Vote as many times as you can; it's free!
Gary Miller, President
Lester Henner, Chairman of the Board
Joel Shiff, Vice-Chairman of the Board

Someone should tell those shul people the rules clearly state voting up to 20 times per person! not "as many times as you can!"
The Town Crier is correct.
From NBC's Official Rules:
Limit twenty (20) entries per person, regardless of method of entry. All text message/online entries must be received within the Promotion Period.
Entries generated by a script, macro, robotic or other automated means will be disqualified. USE OF COMPUTER PROGRAMS TO ENTER AND/OR OTHER AUTOMATIC ENTRY METHODS, (SUCH AS HACKS OR BOTS), REGARDLESS OF METHOD OF ENTRY IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Sponsors reserve the right to disqualify, block or discard any entries from any individual who enters by any kind of electronic, mechanical or other automated means or otherwise tampers with or hacks the entry process as determined by the Sponsors in their sole discretion. Sponsors also reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to cancel, modify or suspend the Internet, electronic or text-messaging portions of the Promotion in the event of a computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical or system failure or disruption, force majeure or any other causes which, in their sole opinion, corrupt the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper operation of the Promotion. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY AN ENTRANT OR ANY OTHER INDIVIDUAL TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEBSITE OR UNDERMINE THE LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THE PROMOTION IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, SPONSORS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES FROM ANY SUCH INDIVIDUAL TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.
my question to Trump- It's not fair that Lee lost out on two opprtunities to prove his value because tasks were scheduled on rosh hashana and yom kippur. Why couldn't the schedule work around the Jewish holidays?
dude he more than proved himself better than anyone. he was project manager 4 times (more than anyone) and won 3 out of those 4 times on a team that lost most of the time.
Why so defensive? I'm not saying that he didn't prove himself. My point is that many people say it's not fair that he couldn't be fired on 2 tasks. I'm turning it around to say that he missed out on opportunities.
"Limit twenty (20) entries per person" - can't it be that you can vote as many times as you want, but that you will only be entered into the contest (for $30,000) a maximum of twenty times...?
The following is from the Entertainment Weekly website. Not a good sign for Lee.
maddcoww- Wed, May 31, 2006 at 8:28 AM EDT
A few months ago, NHL Hall of Famer Phil Esposito spoke to our company at a rah-rah event. He mentioned that he had just played in a charity hockey event for The Apprentice. He told us that he didn't know who was running the other event, but he had to have done a better job that the guy at the hockey game.
I think Pepi had a lot of potential. I was glad to see him back. Roxanne is the curious choice.
congregation is a 2 blocks away from by shul and about 5 blocks away from my house
thats so cool! GO LEE!!!!!!!!
On the Yahoo poll (not the same as the NBC vote), Sean is leading Lee 503 votes to 191.
Oh yeah, Walt. It's all cleared up now. Damn, if I have to hear about that rain in NY one more time, I'm gonna scream.
the yahoo! poll doesn't count, vote on NBC...!
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